A Confession

It seems that regularly I’m reminded of just how weak, stubborn and sinful we can be. By “we” I mean, we, the fallen children of Adam. The older I get and the longer I walk with Christ the more aware I am of my own failings. I find it increasingly difficult to be critical of others. My own black heart too often astounds me. I have every reason to rejoice and be grateful due to God’s abundant blessing. Yet I am prone to discouragement, disappointment and rebellion. Oh I manage to hide it – after all I could lose my job! I manage to keep things in check not because I have no desire but because I fear the consequences of being caught. Why is that?

I so readily identify with Robert Robinson who wrote,
“Let Thy grace, Lord, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee:
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, Lord, take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.”
Why is that? How is it that one who has been brought from death to life, who has been the recipient of God’s profound blessing could be prone to wander? Prone to leave? It’s because I’m in the process of being made holy – I’m not there yet. I’m a fallen man, living in a fallen world, who is stumbling towards holiness. That’s one of the reasons why I so desperately need the church. I can’t make it alone…and God never intended me to. When Christ saved me, He made me part of a body, a family, the church. As we learn to live the faith together we spur one another on to love and good deeds. We support, encourage and pray for one another so that together we might obtain the prize.

There are those who avoid the church because it is full of hypocrites and sinners. Well I’m one sinner who’s grateful for the company!
I’ll see you Sunday as we seek to walk together for the glory of God and the good of His church.
