A Couple of Things

I want to take this week’s column to address a couple a things. One is that we are facing some economic challenges as a church. The economy is “catching up” with us. We have experienced a drop in income over the last few months while cost have remained at a higher level. We’ve had some roof repairs and other maintenance issues that we had to address. While we have not had to dip into our contingency fund we are operating on the margin. I bring this up because we have some major expenses coming this summer that will add to our already stressed financial standing. Vacation Bible School begins on June 14. This is a major expense as we seek to reach beyond our walls and touch the community. We have a youth mission trip planned for the end of June. We know that the trip will cost approximately $5000. That money will have to be raised as the money budgeted is just not there. Children’s Camp comes right on the heels of that followed by Youth Camp the end of July. In addition utility costs are higher during the summer months and offerings are typically down as people go on vacation and take weekend trips. I do not tell you this to try and “fleece” you or guilt you for taking time off. I simply want you to be aware so that you can pray as we trust God to supply our needs through the summer months.

I also hope to gently remind you that our financial needs continue even when you are away. I also want to assure you that our budget and finance committee is monitoring both our income and our expenses and if needs be we will make the necessary adjustments. As always our commitment is to be faithful stewards of what the Lord entrusts to us.

On a related note some have asked about the projector system we talked about some months back. For those who are not aware, a gift was given at the end of last year or the first of this year for the purchase of a projector system for the worship center. We’ve been working on getting bids and making sure we spend this money wisely. We’ve made the decision and the system will be installed sometime in this summer. I want to emphasize that no general fund moneys will be used for this project. This comes from a single gift given for this purpose months ago.

Great things are coming this summer! Let’s pray that this is our best summer yet. I see you as we gather for worship this Sunday.
