A Good Hurt

I hate it when that happens! You know, when something gets stuck in your head. Someone sings or whistles a familiar tune in your hearing and so you have to listen to it for the rest of the day. That annoying tune just won’t leave your head. I often joke with pastor friends when I see them on Monday and they ask me how services went on Sunday. I like to say,
“My sermon was so good, I stopped and took notes on myself.” Well, I didn’t take notes but my Sunday School lesson and the evening message “annoyed” me well into the night and was still hanging around this morning. I couldn’t shake the thought of my responsibility to love truth and to love others.

I kept hearing myself say, “You must love others enough to tell them the truth about their sin.” I thought about the responsibility that we have, as a church, to love and care for those whose names appear on our rolls but have never been confronted about their lack of involvement or their failure to attend. I’ve thought about those I’ve offended or who have offended me and I did nothing about it. It was just easier to “let it slide” than to confront it or confess my own sin. I tried to rationalize it. I tried to generalize it; after all we’re all guilty of this sort of thing aren’t we? I tried to ignore it. But like an annoying tune it just wouldn’t go away. There was only one way to deal with it – confess it. Own it. Repent. I hate it when that happens – no, I rejoice when that happens. I rejoice because it is the gracious work of my Father who loves me too much to allow me to continue in my sin.

It’s a good hurt. No, the problem isn’t solved. I’ll fail again. But for now I’m on the right path and I’ve grown a bit in the process. I’ll see you Sunday.
