About Restoration

“Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” That was Paul’s advice to the believers in Galatia concerning our treatment of those who fall into sin. Two things stand out in my mind when I look at Galatians 6:1-2. The first is that ignoring the sin is not an option. We cannot pretend it did not happen. In fact we are told we must restore the individual. The word Paul used means “to put right.” It is the term used for setting a broken limb. That is a painful but necessary step in healing. We do our brothers and sisters in Christ no favors when we turn a blind eye toward their sin. But I also note this is to be done in a spirit of gentleness. That means to inflict as little pain as necessary. It means we take no delight in the pain we cause.

Two years ago I was asked to serve on a team assisting Tom Shaw with his restoration. As you know Tom fell into sin and as a result lost his pastorate of 30 years causing great harm to himself, his family and our sister church. It has been a long, difficult and painful process. We have walked with Tom holding him accountable, praying with him, questioning him and seeing that he got counseling. He has done all that has been asked of him. He has genuinely repented and demonstrated the fruit of repentance over the past two years. This Sunday evening, April 6th, we are having a restoration service at Red Fork Baptist Church celebrating God’s gracious work in Tom’s life. This is not a service to restore Tom as pastor of Red Fork. This is to celebrate God’s work in Tom’s heart and life. Any future ministry remains in God’s hands.

We will not have an evening service this Sunday to allow any who want to be a part of the service at Red Fork the opportunity to go.

Whether you attend or not, I hope that you will continue to pray for Tom, his family and the good people of Red Fork Baptist as they continue to work through their pain toward a God blessed, and gracious future. I’ll see you Sunday.
