Affirming God’s Sovereignty, Wisdom and Goodness

What does it really mean to affirm the sovereignty of God? What does it mean to affirm God’s wisdom and goodness? It is one thing to verbally affirm or confess these things it is another to live them. If I believe God is sovereign, wise and good how should I respond with things do not go well? That is the problem isn’t it? As long as life is beautiful I have no problem with His sovereign, wise goodness but when all Hell breaks loose, well that’s different. But why should it be different? Is He any less sovereign, wise or good when times are bad? I started thinking about this because of what I read this morning in The Valley of Vision during my morning devotions. The author prayed, “Help me to see how good thy will is in all, and even when it crosses mine teach me to be pleased with it.”

Help me to see and help me to be pleased with it even when it crosses mine. That really is it. That is how I affirm God’s sovereignty, His wisdom and His goodness. I affirm these things when I’m able to be “pleased” in every circumstance. I know I’m making progress in godliness when His sovereign will has crossed my selfish desire and I’m pleased to yield to His command. I’m delighted to abandon my pursuit in favor of His. For that to happen I’m going to have to pray a lot more! If you think about would you pray for me too?

I’ll see you Sunday.
