Busy Week?

Wow, what a weekend! Can you believe it – 70 degrees on Friday, sleet and snow Saturday and Sunday! I was in Springfield, Missouri last week for the National Homeschool Basketball Tournament and made the 5-hour drive from Springfield to Tulsa Saturday afternoon into the evening (it normally takes just under 3 hours). I’ve spent this morning trying to dig out from under all the stuff that accumulated on my desk while I was gone and anticipating the week ahead. This could prove a busy week. Our granddaughter is due this Saturday. I’m hoping she cooperates and comes at a decent hour but who knows with that Sasser/Choate blood in her she could be something of a problem. Oh, who am I kidding we all know she’s going to be perfect.

I do want to remind you of a couple of things. Don’t forget the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Your gifts to this offering enable us to take the gospel to North America. Through your faithful giving we have missionaries serving throughout the U.S. and Canada. Your gifts have helped make our Southern Baptist Disaster Relief Organization the third largest disaster relief work in the country. In many cases our disaster relief workers are feeding and providing the meals for the Read Cross in addition to our own work. Your gift to Annie Armstrong is a great investment in Kingdom work.

I also want to remind you of the Easter Egg-Stravaganza coming up on April 3. This is our gift to the community. We need lots of volunteers and there are still plastic eggs to be filled with candy. If you can help with this event see Tina Downing.

I look forward to seeing you and your family as we gather for worship and celebration this coming Lord’s Day.
