Coming Events

What snow? Can you believe this weather? Only in Oklahoma can you have that heavy snow on Saturday and it is all but gone by Sunday evening. Well, I know that the snow had a “chilling” effect on attendance Sunday morning (sorry I couldn’t resist) but we had a hearty group for worship Sunday morning including some visitors from other churches! As I said Sunday morning, “Look around. It isn’t often you get a chance to see just who’s going to heaven!” We decided to postpone our observance of the Lord’s Supper until sometime in April or May. And if you are interested you can find Sunday’s message online with all the other messages at I want to remind you of a couple of things.

First is the community Easter Egg hunt on Saturday, April 11. This is a big undertaking and will require all of us working together. We will have activities for kids preschool – 5th grade. We have volunteers taking care of food and organizing activities we need you to supply plastic eggs. How many? As many as you can carry. We need hundreds of plastic eggs filled with candy (the kind that doesn’t melt). And we’ll need to have them here by Wednesday April 8. Please, please help us make sure we have plenty on hand. This is a big outreach to the community and we don’t want to come up short.

Second I want to encourage you join us for all the activities Easter weekend. We’ll begin with a special service on Good Friday. We’ll meet at 7:00 p.m. for a special service. We’ll observe the Lord’s Table and then the choir will lead us through the Passion of our Lord in a special candlelight service. This will take the place of our Sunday evening worship for that weekend. Come gather with us on Friday evening and then finish with us on Sunday morning! I’m looking forward to it. I’ll see you Sunday.
