Coming Up

Can you believe we are almost at the end of another school year? I know, the kids can believe it. It has been so long. Parents are thinking, “Where did the time go?” Of course around here we know that means things are about to get busy. This Sunday, May 17, we will be hosting the Vespers Service for Webster’s Class of 2009. The service will be at 2:00 p.m. In a few weeks Vacation Bible School will kick off followed by a youth mission trip and before you know it youth camp! That means there are exciting opportunities ahead. We are going to be asking for volunteers and prayer commitments and an offering or two. This is such a wonderful time to invest in the lives of our children and youth but it also means that we will have a great deal of expense in a short amount of time. Please keep this in mind as you remain faithful in your regular giving and as you have opportunity to give to some special offerings.

Don’t forget that Sunday morning our children’s choir will be participating in our morning worship service. It is always great to see the children help lead in worship. I hope to see you and your family in Bible study and worship this coming Lord’s Day.
