Corporate Worship

Psalm 149 declares, “Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the godly!” One of the joys of being part of the church is public worship. Public worship is the opportunity to join our hearts and minds in the praise of our God. I know that we can worship God anywhere. I understand that we are to be in an attitude of worship continually but there is something unique about public worship. Sure we can worship in our prayer closet. We ought to engage in private worship but there is no substitute for corporate worship.

Yes you can be blessed through the ministry of televised worship services. There are some wonderful Bible teachers available both on television and through the Internet. Yet it is not the same as gathering with your church for worship. It is not the same as joining with those with whom you are in covenant to praise and honor God. On Sundays, when I look across the congregation and see those who’ve walked with Christ for years, I’m spurred on toward faithfulness. When I see those who’ve experienced devastating loss sing, with joy the great hymns of our faith, I’m encouraged to persevere through trial. When I see those are locked in battle with sickness and disease or burdened with caring for a loved one, I’m reminded that God’s grace is sufficient and He will supply all my needs. When I see those, one fallen now restored, I know He’s faithful even when I’m not.

I need worship. Further I need you in worship. Worship, indeed our faith, is a corporate effort! I’ll see you Sunday.
