Did You Mean It?

It’s been one of those mornings. I’ve done about 15 things and yet I haven’t done anything! You know what I mean. I’ve been running around wrapping up some details before leaving town this morning (Monday) for a conference in Louisville. Some much to do; so little time to do it in. Just when I thought I had everything done – my phone rang and I had about 4 other things to do. It figures today would turn out this way. Yesterday was a wonderful Lord’s Day. It was encouraging and uplifting. The only problem was the message Sunday evening on God’s sovereignty. True to form today was a test of whether or not I really believe what I preached the night before. I managed to pass…this time.

It is easy to forget that biblical truth is meant to be lived out in the real world. Things might sound nice in a sermon or in a Bible class but the value of truth is in the living. I don’t always “get it right” but I’m grateful today I was able to see the trial for what it was – an opportunity to prove the grace and goodness of our God. Thank you for punctuating a great day with a not so subtle reminder that your Word is truth.

Have a great week and I’ll see you Sunday.
