
To say, “I’m not a good speller” is one tremendous understatement. When spell check says, “I have no idea what you’re trying to spell” you know you’re in trouble. Dictionaries are no help. Honestly, if you can’t spell how do you look up a word in the dictionary? Thus I find word games frustrating. Rheadon loves to play Words with Friends. For those of you who don’t play, you play Scrabble online with your smart phone. It is frustrating to play a game you are not equipped to play. The game is not very forgiving. It expects you to know how to spell. My problem is when it comes to spelling I agree with Mark Twain, “I have no respect for a man who can only spell a word one way.”

I suppose it is this struggle with trying to do what is so unnatural that keeps interfering with my spiritual life. I’m not naturally forgiving. Or understanding. Or patient. Or prayerful. Or compassionate. Or…well you get the idea. Here is the good news – I don’t have to be any of those things naturally. In fact God knows I’m not. Jesus has even said left to myself I never would be any of those things. He said, “Apart from me you can’t do anything.” He went on to say if I learn to “be at home” in him, I would bear much fruit. In other words I’d learn to be all those things and more by his power and through his enabling. G. Campbell Morgan said, “Living the Christian life is not difficult, it is impossible! There is only one who has ever done it successfully and he does it again and again in you and me.” I find great comfort in that. Now, if only he played Words with Friends.

I’ll see you Sunday.
