God’s Faithfulness: Our Only Hope: Selected Psalms

This exposition of Psalm 106 by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Wednesday evening, June 13, 2018.

Two things most people fail to comprehend:

  1. The Greatness of God's glory, and
  2. The depths of one's own sin.

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We often have a low view of God and a high view of ourselves.

God is a simple being, that is, He is undivided. He has no parts. God is not one part love and one part holiness, one part justice, etc. God doesn't get up each morning in a different mood. In that we find great comfort. God is always faithful, even to his unfaithful people.

In Psalm 106 we discover three things:

  1. We are to rejoice in God's faithfulness (vs. 1-5).
  2. We are called to marvel at God's merciful patience (vs. 6-39).
  3. We rest in God's gracious provision for His own (vs. 40-48).
