Good News/Bad News

Let me take just a minute to brag on you. On Monday, July 27, our budget and finance committee met to review the first six months of 2009. At that meeting we discovered that you had given over $200,000! In addition 23% of that had gone to mission causes through the Cooperative Program, Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong and two special mission offerings. In addition to our mission giving we were able to handle a new roof over the worship center at a cost of $25,000 and a few other maintenance projects. You have also given over $36,000 to Catch the Vision. That means we are half way to our $72,000 to be debt free! Thank you for your faithfulness. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and stands as a testimony to your love for Christ, His church and the work of the Gospel. That is the good news.

We also discovered that the downturn in attendance, the economy and the special offerings have taken their toll on our general fund. Our budget calls for $6,100 a week. In July our income was at $4,800 a week. This means that we are looking at a negative balance at the beginning of August. We do have emergency funds available so we are cautious rather than in a panic. We will be watching things closely through August and into the fall. We are prepared to make adjustments as needed so that we remain faithful stewards of what has been entrusted to us. I just wanted you to know where we are financially.

While there is concern I am far more encouraged than discouraged. I believe there is great cause for rejoicing. We’ve taken care of our responsibilities and given $37,049.58 to mission causes within the first six months of 2009. God is good. I’ll see you Sunday.
