I Demand A Recount!

I can’t believe I didn’t win anything. I chose Avery to help me by drawing names and she didn’t draw mine? Something is not right about that. But I’m not bitter. I’m just going to let it go. I do want to congratulate those who did win. Congratulations to Jerry Deason, Samuel Hoyt, Judy Ryan, Rose Pilon, Adina Hill and Betty Jones I hope you enjoy spending my, excuse me, your gift certificates. We had a great time in fellowship around the tables Sunday evening that thanks to those who brought ice cream and those who made cookies and brownies. Some have suggested we do that every Sunday night. If we do we’ll have to vary the menu, ice cream every week? Though it would be one way to “grow” the congregation. But I’m not sure increasing pant size is considered church growth!

Don’t forget Sunday Sunshine following the morning service this Sunday. Senior Adults – bring a salad or dessert sandwich fixings will be provided. The cost $1.50, $2.00 per person. It will be a great time especially if you are part of it.

I hope to see you and your family this coming Lord’s Day for Bible Study at 9:30 and then worship at 10:50 as we continue our study of the book of Revelation. Don’t forget Sunday evening as we continue our walk through Jeremiah. I’ll see you Sunday.
