I Survived!

I can’t believe we made it! We actually survived the wedding. Of course we’ve survived only to turn around and do another in six weeks – but I’ll cross that bridge when we get there. I want to thank everyone for making Saturday so special. We were overwhelmed by the crowd. We appreciate so much those who help us move furniture, set up tables, put up decorations and then to put everything back! And Jessie got to be the first to use the bride’s room. No I didn’t plan it that way! Special thanks go to J. Fred Smith and Bob DeBolt for the long hours and hard work they put into the remodeling project. Thanks to the committee: Rachel Finley, Lisa Scott, Lisa Cannon, Jim Narrin, Jerry Deason and Bob DeBolt for their leadership. If you haven’t been down stair to see our new basement, you need to take a look. Oh, and the new tables arrived today (Monday).

Sunday will be a special day as we observe Keenager Sunday. Dr. Robert Cannon will bring the morning message and Vance Wiley will preach in the evening service. There is also a lunch following the morning service for senior adults. I would appreciate your prayers as I will be preaching at the Longwood Baptist Church in Ponca City April 29-May 2. I was the pastor at Longwood prior to coming home to Trinity. And just think, after only 16 years they thought it was safe to invite me back. Rheadon and I are looking forward to reconnecting with some dear friends. I hope you have a great Sunday here and I look forward to being with you again on May 6!
