It is Official

Well, it is official. We are empty nesters. This past Saturday we married off the last of our three children. Of course we’ve had some time to adjust Ben bought a house and moved out back in July but Saturday was official. Our baby (sorry Ben) has started a family of his own. There is that part of us that is proud of the way our children have turned out. We can be proud that all of our children have grown into responsible adults. Each is actively involved in the Church. They are doing well in their jobs and we never tire of hearing their employers tell us what fine people they are. Rheadon and I have much to be thankful for. God has been gracious and we are blessed beyond measure. Of course the other side of the coin is – what do we do now? So much of our life was taken up with soccer practice and games, basketball, football and piano. If we weren’t heading to a practice or game of some sort we were going to a youth activity. It seems we were constantly on the go and honestly – we loved every minute of it! Now it is just the two of us after 25 years.

During premarital counseling I tell every couple, “Don’t stop dating just because you are getting married.” I explain that their first loyalty and priority is to their spouse. I also tell them that when children come along that does not change. It turns out that’s pretty good advice. As much fun as I have had with our children (and still do), as much as I enjoyed all the ball games and activities I still enjoy time with Rheadon the most. She is my best friend and my one love. I’m fairly certain she feels the same. I hope to make the most of that over the next couple of years because I might lose her when grandkids start showing up!

I’ll see you Sunday.
