It Was On My Mind

I’m not fond of doctors. I don’t like that appointment every four months. He keeps harping on the same things! I keep trying to get my doctor to look on the positive side of things. For instance – I keep telling him, “Round is a shape. I’m in ‘shape’ just not the one you’re looking for.” He doesn’t buy it. But then that is his job – to make we look at what I don’t want to look at. I’ve been thinking a lot last night and this morning about our church. I find myself this morning with mixed emotions.

There is much that I’m happy about and grateful for. I’m grateful to be part of such a loving church family. I’m thankful that we are a praying people. I am amazed at your generosity and your willingness to help others. I’m thankful that our church is known throughout our community for its involvement in community activities and projects. I love the fact that the building is slow emptying on Sunday after services. People linger, visit and laugh together. There is so much I’m grateful to God for and yet there is another side.

I’m concerned about a lack of aggressive evangelism and outreach. I’m concerned that there are areas of service unfilled. We have critical needs in our nursery during Sunday School and on Wednesday evening. If not corrected we’ll no longer be able to have nursery during Sunday School or on Wednesdays. What will that say to families – both those visiting and those who are members? We have a critical need for teachers in the children and preschool. I was looking over reports this morning of our Sunday School over the last 5 years. Did you know the highest percentage of attendance for a single month over the last 5 years is 12% of the total enrollment?

I guess what I’ve noticed is that it is a mixed bag when thinking about church. There is good and there is bad; things that are great and things that are not so great. We have some things worth celebrating. And we’ve got some things over which to repent. Now the question is how should I/we respond? First and foremost we must pray. We pray that the Lord of the Harvest will supply workers. We must fill the needs in nursery, preschool and children. That is an immediate need that cannot wait. And we must pray about long-term goals and structure. Taking an honest look at where we are and where we need to be. That will not be easy and may be painful but it is necessary for our health as a church.

I just wanted to share this with you because it was on my heart this morning. I’ll see you Sunday.
