It’s On My Mind

Making a difference where we live. Impacting the community with the gospel, the love and grace of Christ. That’s our calling. That’s why we are here. We are called to bring the presence of the living Christ to this community. How do we do that? By living our faith day and day in this community. By joining our lives with the lives of our neighbors, coworkers and those we cross paths with everyday. Two of the ways we do that together is the football meals on Fridays and the Good News Club on Tuesdays. These are tangible was of touching and impacting the lives of students, teachers and families. I’m grateful to those who’ve taken leadership in these areas and the large number of volunteers who take part every week. Thank you!

In addition there is the Vision West Block Party we participated in this month. We’ve got Trunk ‘r Treat coming up n a few weeks. These are wonderful opportunities to say to the community we’re here, we care about you and we have something to offer you. But there is another element. Its what makes the others work. Without it, the others are of limited value. Each of us must live out our faith. Share our lives, speak of the gospel with our neighbors, pray for and with the people God puts in our path. When our faith is real and vital to us it impacts those who cross our path.

At the end of the day it’s not about programs, agendas or packaging. It’s about the reality of our faith spilling out onto others. It’s about slowing down and taking the time to talk to others, pray for others and involve ourselves in their lives. I know that’s a foreign concept in today’s culture. But it’s what works. It always has. It always will. It’s called evangelism and it’s personal. I’ll see you Sunday.
