It’s That Time

Praise the Lord for a great day Sunday. We were able to witness Christian baptism in the morning service and set apart three good men to serve as deacons in the evening service – that makes for a great day! Speaking of great days (that was smooth wasn’t it) we begin a new Sunday School year this coming Sunday. Students will be moving to new classes, we have a new Sunday School Director, and some new teachers will be setting up shop. It’s a new day. If you’ve not been active in a class why not start something new with us? Why not join with others in a small group Bible study? Interacting with fellow believers and with the text of Scripture will serve to sharpen your faith and deepen your relationships. Come be a part of something new.
This weekend makes it official – summer has ended and we will be getting back on track with our fall schedule. Wednesday evening meals will start again on September 5. Sign-up sheets will be available Sunday or you can call the church office. Dinner for an individual adult? $4.00. Age 6-youth? $2.00. Children under 6? Free. Maximum cost per family? $10.00. Fellowship around the table? Priceless! Join us Wednesday evenings 5:30 pm starting September 5.
Ladies, let me encourage you to attend the “Revive Our Hearts Conference” September 28-29, 2007 in Denton, Texas. The speaker is author and syndicated radio host Nancy Leigh DeMoss. This is a great opportunity to be challenge, encouraged and strengthened in your faith. For more information see Kelly Mills.
I’m looking forward to seeing you in worship this coming Lord’s Day.