June 9th, 2021

What a great day Sunday! We again, welcomed back some familiar faces. Folks continue to return after the long COVID exile. Participating online is a great blessing but being together is far better! It was also, wonderful to return to Sunday evening services. It has been over a year since we gathered on Sunday night, it felt good. We had the first of our “1st Sunday Family Gatherings.” We sang some hymns, heard reports of Sunday School, Sherwood Manor Ministry and VBS. We also took time to pray together about our ministry in those three areas. We will use the same format for the first Sunday of each month.

As we think about things getting back to normal – we have VBS in just 2 weeks. June 21-25 we will be gathering with our kids and kids from the surrounding area to dig into God’s Word and discovering amazing things about the Lord Jesus with Destination Dig. There will be songs, Bible lessons, crafts, recreation and snacks. It will be great and it’s been 2 years since we had VBS. Let your kids, grandkids, neighborhood kids, fat kids, skinny kids, kids who climb on rocks…sorry, I’m a child of the 60’s and commercial jingles never go away! If they have completed pre-K through those who have just completed 6th grade, they are welcome to attended. It will be 5 evenings of fun, fellowship and learning. We’ve got a great group of volunteers ready to go.

Finally, we had a great kickoff to our first new Sunday School class. Ron had 15 in class this past Sunday and there is still time for you to join. It is summer and that means folks will be in and out of the next several weeks. I hope you all have an opportunity to “get away,” relax and enjoy yourselves this summer. Don’t forget, you can still join us remotely on Sunday mornings (that is if you don’t have opportunity to join with another body of believers where you are visiting). Vacation is a great time to visit with brothers in sisters in Christ and worship with them, even it you’ve never met them before!

Pray for our VBS workers as they seek to finalize preparation. Help us spread the word. And I’ll see you and your family as we gather this coming Lord’s Day.
