Looking Ahead in 2009

The dust is finally settling as we finish up the holidays and head into 2009. Our schedule has been off for a few weeks now but as of this week we are back to our normal schedule. Hopefully things will begin to pick up this coming Lord’s Day. Both Sunday School and worship attendance have been down through the last of December and into the first Sunday in January but I’m confident this will turn around. We raised our Lottie Moon goal this year and exceeded it before Christmas! We also ended the year on a good note financially with some significant gifts at the end of the year.

Pray for our mission teams as we plan for 2009. Pray that we aggressively seek ways to make Christ known in our community, state, nation and the world. I know that through our Sunday School classes we will be giving you information about one of our missionaries so that we can all more effectively pray for those who labor far from home. In addition we’ll be doing some projects locally and perhaps put together a mission trip. I also want to encourage you to prayerfully seek to live and speak the gospel where you live and work. Understand that you are a missionary. You are Christ’s representative. As we all settle into our routine following the holidays let’s not allow things to become “routine.”

I look forward to seeing you and your family as we gather for Bible study and worship this coming Lord’s Day.
