Looking Ahead

Praise the Lord for a great day Sunday! A good crowd for worship, baptism, and a new couple joining our church family it all makes for a great day.

I want to take just a moment to remind you of some things coming up. Don’t forget Keenager Sunday Sonshine this Sunday, October 10, following our morning worship. This will be a great time of food and fellowship around the table. Then on October 24 we will be observing the Lord’s Table during our evening worship. October 31 will be our annual Trunk ‘r Treat. We need all our classes/department to provide a spot that evening. Tina Downing is heading up our efforts and there will be prizes for best costume, best theme for car decorations, along with games and other contests. You’ll be hearing more about that in the near future. Of course we need lots of candy. Each year this activity has grown. Did I mean we need candy? Lots and lots of candy?

We had another six people train for Disaster Relief on October 2. That brings our total of trained volunteers to 22! We are excited about the ministry opportunities this will afford us. Being praying about what we, as a church, can do to enhance our efforts through Disaster Relief.

I look forward to seeing you in Bible study and worship this coming Lord’s Day.
