Lottie Moon Offering

This past Sunday we began our emphasis on the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Our International Mission Board currently has 4,887 field personnel under appointment. We are engage with 763 people groups. That’s exciting and we praise God for what we are doing together through the work of the Southern Baptist Convention. In 2010 we baptized 360,879 and started 29,237 new churches! However, there are 3,629 unreached people groups. These are people who have no meaningful contact with the Gospel. The need is great.

For the first time in our history we have more personnel trained and ready to go then we have money to send. The need is great. How important is the Lottie Moon Offering? 57% of the IMB’s budget is provided by this offering. The need is great.

What can you do? You can pray, you can give and you can go. We are engaged in a spiritual battle for the souls of men. Such a battle demands that we pray. Pray that God will continue to open doors of opportunity. Pray that missionaries will have the courage and boldness to speak. Pray that God will protect those who serve. Pray for the freedom of the Gospel around the world.

You can give. Your gift to the Lottie Moon Offering goes directly to mission efforts around the world. Your gift helps to keep a missionary on the field. Your gift provides much needed supplies. Your gift helps to feed a village. Your gift puts the Bible in the language of the people. Your gift brings light into the darkness.

You can go. God is still calling for laborers to enter the harvest. Perhaps He is calling you. At a time when money is scarce it may be that you can go as a volunteer for a week, 2 weeks, 6 months a year? The need is great.

As you plan your Christmas giving why not make an eternal investment? Give generously to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. I’ll see you Sunday.
