Ministry Opportunities

We had a great meeting Sunday afternoon about the Good News Club for Robertson Elementary. We need more volunteers to join our team. You may not be able to make it every Tuesday but you could once a month or a couple of times a semester. We also need members of our prayer team to pray for students, their families’ and for faculty and staff at Robertson. There are several ways for you to be involved. Keep watching for details as they become available.

We’ve also have had good response for the football dinners but we have a few spots to fill. If you are interested in helping you can sign up on Sunday or you can talk to Marie Taylor. This is another great opportunity to serve our community and partner with our local high school.

For years we’ve prayed for opportunities to increase our evangelistic efforts and to impact our community. We’ve faithfully and persistently done what we could to be available to the schools and community and now we’ve reached the point that they are coming to us and asking for help. With the Good News Club we’ve been handed the opportunity to walk into a local elementary school for an after school program and teach a Bible lesson and present the Gospel once a week for 28 weeks during this school year! We must not fail to take this step. We need your involvement. This is your opportunity to love the children of this community and bring the Gospel to them. Will you join us?

I’ll see you Sunday.
