Mission Trips and VBS

As you read this Bob Lowery will be finishing up his mission trip to Nicaragua, the youth mission trip to Arizona will be just a month away and Vacation Bible School is upon us. That means a lot of activity and considerable expense all hitting at once. The Lord has been gracious and we are in good shape but we still need some special gifts to get us through the next month. We need to raise $4,900 in addition to what was budgeted for the youth mission trip. If you’ve already given to the trip, THANK YOU! If you are planning to give but just haven’t done so yet please do so as soon as possible to help our cash flow. We also do not want to hinder our Bible School effort by not being able to fund everything. This is an exciting year with Carbondale and Garden City joining us. Please be in prayer for all these activities over the next month.

On a personal note, Rheadon and I would appreciate your prayers as wedding number 2 approaches. Boy, things are really getting quiet around our house.

I hope to see you and your family as we gather this coming Lord’s Day.