Odds and Ends

Let me encourage you to mark your calendars and begin making preparations now for our Fall Renewal Conference October 14-17 with Paul Burleson. Paul is a great Bible teacher and conference speaker. He pastored the Southcliff Baptist Church in Fort Worth for a number of years and has had an extensive ministry through the seminary and impacted hundreds of seminary students through the years. Following his pastorate in Fort Worth, Paul was pastor of the First Baptist Church in Broken Arrow. We will of course begin with our regular service on Sunday morning the 14th and then services Sunday evening through Wednesday will begin at 6:30 pm. As a special treat Paul will be speaking Monday through Wednesday at a noon meeting. We will have a light lunch and then he will teach a series on the “Tabernacle in the Wilderness.” We’ll meet from 11:30-1:00. I know that you will be blessed, encourage and challenged. This will be a great opportunity to invite family and friends.

Also, don’t forget to pray for the ladies who will be attending the conference this weekend in Dallas. Let me take another moment to congratulate Darla Hall on her award this past Sunday afternoon. The Southwest Tulsa Chamber of Commerce awarded Darla their first ever, Lifetime Achievement Award. Darla was recognized for her tireless devotion to Southwest Tulsa and her service to the community. Congratulations Darla and thank you for all you’ve done.

I’m looking forward to our being together again this coming Lord’s Day. I’ll see you Sunday.
