Of Routines and Resolutions

I’m not sure but maybe we can get back to normal this week, whatever normal is. The whole month of December seems a blur with the holidays, the ice storm, the canceled services and all that went on. And yet we exceeded our Lottie Moon Goal! We had a goal of $6000 and through the Sunday School hour on January 6th we had $6559. Praise the Lord. Our Wednesday evening schedule gets back to normal this week with dinner at 5:30 pm and all the other activities beginning at 6:30 pm. Kids are back in school, vacations have ended it is time to settle back into routine or is it?

Routines aren’t necessarily bad. They are often quite comfortable. They are familiar, you pretty much know what to expect and you’re seldom surprised. But routines easily become ruts. Ruts are confining and controlling. I’m praying that 2008 will be anything but routine. I’m not much for New Year’s resolutions, mostly because I seldom if ever keep them past a week or two. But what if we were to resolve to do a few things together throughout 2008? Such as:
Resolved: to grow spiritually by spending time daily in prayer and study of the Word of God.
Resolved: to move outside of my comfort zone and take the Gospel to my world. This would include personally sharing our faith and looking at our community as a mission field.
Resolved: to invest my life in others. To build genuine friendships with lost people around me and earn the right to tell them of the hope that is in me.
Resolved: to give myself to Christ through the work of my church.

What difference do you think that would make? Would it break us out of our routine? It’s worth considering. I’ll see you Sunday.
