One Day Report

It was a great success! Thanks to all who worked to make our OneDay Training a special event. Thanks to all who provided snacks and those who served as greeters and hosts. A special thanks to Rheadon for coordinating all the snacks and making sure there was plenty to eat in each of the areas. I have heard nothing but positive response from all participating. It is time now for all of our classes to begin thinking about their mission project. Sometime in September or October we are looking to implement mission projects throughout our community as we seek to take the love of God and the gospel beyond our walls.

We are also at the official end of summer. Next Monday is Labor Day and then means we can say goodbye to summer and begin settling into the fall. I almost said, “fall routine” but I trust this will not be a routine fall – hopefully it will be a new beginning. I want to encourage you to get involved in a Bible Study class and begin investing your life in the lives of others. It is in the small group that you will find relationship to help you live out the truth you are learning. It is by interacting with others you learn to apply the true. There is no substitute for that personal interaction enjoyed in a small group setting.

I hope to see you and your family as we gather this coming Lord’s Day.
