Overcoming Confusion and Doubt: Selected Psalms

This is an exposition of Psalm 89. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Wednesday evening, February 28, 2018.

Ever since the fall we have lived in a troubled, confused world. In this psalm the psalmist both confirms and questions God's faithfulness. The believing heart overcomes doubt in God's faithfulness by looking at the long record of His faithfulness over time.

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When faced with conflicting reality, the child of God:

  1. reflects on God's faithfulness in the past and promise to continue to do so (vs. 1-18).
  2. remembers God's gracious gifting (vs. 19-37),
  3. recognizes and acknowledges that reality (vs. 38-51).
  4. resolves the conflict with faith (v. 52).

God is worthy of your confidence. He is worthy of your faith.
