Renewal and Other Things

Let me address two things with you quickly. First, our Fall Renewal Conference with Paul Burleson begins Sunday morning and runs through Wednesday evening. I trust you’ve already been praying for God’s blessing and asking friends, family and coworkers to join you at the services. My heart’s desire is that this be far more than just another series of meetings. I pray that it will be a new beginning. I am praying that God will do a great work in us and then empower and embolden us for faithful and effective ministry.

Pray for Paul as he comes and ask God to grant him freedom to say what we need to hear. Pray for an anointing that will break up the fallow ground of our hearts. Pray for those who will be present. Pray that their hearts will be open and receptive to the work of the Holy Spirit. Finally, come to the services each evening and noonday with a sense of expectancy!

Let me also remind you that we will be having “Trunk or Treat” on Wednesday, October 31. We will suspend our regular schedule for that evening and use this as a community outreach. We need classes/departments to set up a display in the parking lot and people to walk around and visit with the people who come through. We also need lots of candy! And, as Rheadon would say, “Make it the good stuff.” We will also need some folks to help with the popcorn and whatever else we dream up. It is a fun evening and a great way to invite and encourage others to come visit with us. I’ll see you Sunday.
