Thank You!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so grateful for the faithful workers and the dedicated servants who made Vacation Bible School a great success. From those who corralled kids during recreation to those who taught the lessons, those who led the mission time and those who worked in the kitchen. I’d put our team up against any team in the convention! A special word of thanks goes to our youth who were faithful to come and work night after night. Then on Saturday they worked hard all day raising money for their mission trip to Kentucky. Of course I want to thank you, our church family, for your faithfulness in praying and making everything possible through your giving. We are indeed blessed.

Don’t forget our youth leave this Saturday, June 27, for Kentucky. Pray for safety in their travel and God’s grace and strength for the work they will be doing. I look forward to seeing you and your family as we gather for worship this coming Lord’s Day.
