Thinking During the Sermon?

“But it looked good on paper.” Have you ever been in a situation where that was your response to something that didn’t go according to plan? I was thinking about that a lot this past Sunday (Not I’m not referring to the mix-up in the service with the offering/special music). I mean I thought about it while teaching the Sunday School lesson and then during both messages. I guess I should let you know that – contrary to common perception I actually do “think” during the message! During Sunday School I thought about that debate during the Jerusalem Council. These were genuine brothers in Christ hammering out a serious doctrinal matter (the nature of the Gospel itself was at stake). Both sides were passionate and convinced they were right. It is one thing to “go to war” with an enemy – it is something else to do battle with a brother. It’s easy on paper to stand for truth…it is something else to look a brother in the eye and say, “You’re destroying the Gospel.”

During the morning message I couldn’t help but think, “It is easy to stand in this pulpit and boldly declare the truth. But what if the doors were to burst open and I was called upon to change my message or forfeit my life?” It looks good on paper but I have to wonder if my courage would fail. Sunday evening I wondered if I could have said to those who threatened my life, “My life is in your hands, do with me what you consider to be good and right.” Do I really believe in the Sovereignty of God or not? It looks good on paper but…

As I’ve reflected on it this evening I’ve come to this conclusion – it’s not a bad thing to think during a message! And it is great to be part of a family that will challenge and encourage you in your walk of faith. We as disciples of Christ are called to live out our faith together. To spur one another on to good works and to encourage one another all the more as the Day of the Lord approaches.

It’s worth giving it some thought. I see you this coming Lord’s Day.
