Thoughts from the Table

As I’m writing this I’ve just finished my third or fourth call related to illness within our church family. I guess that’s on my mind due to the fact that we have so many who are sick at this time. Some dealing with the flu and or the virus going around; some are in the hospital or just came home; others are facing surgery or dealing with some long-term illness. It is a bit overwhelming and not a little depressing! But there is another reason why it is on my mind. Last night as we came together around the Lord’s Table, I was struck by the thought of the body of Christ. Not his physical body but his body – the church.

I was struck by how much the Scriptures speak of the congregation or the assembly. I thought of how often the Scripture addresses us as a people rather than as individuals. We are connected to one another by design and of necessity. We need one another. The “body” is essential for our spiritual growth and development. We are not to think of ourselves apart from the others who make up this body. Just as I need all the members of my body to function together if I’m going to accomplish whatever task I’m engaged in – we must function together, each fulfilling his or her role. And there are no “unimportant” members. We cannot say to any of the members of our body, “I really don’t need that. It really serves no purpose.” None of us wants or desires paralysis within our physical bodies why would we just accept it within the church? If part of my body shuts down – you can bet I’m going to the doctor and see what’s causing it before it’s too late. So why do we sit back and do nothing while part of our church body shuts down?

I know these are not the normal thoughts accompanying the Lord’s Table, but then you never know where the dinner conversation might lead when the Father comes to the table! I’ll see you Sunday.
