A Cure for Boring Worship?

If studies, surveys and word of mouth are to be believed a number of people stay away from church because “church is boring.” Now I have to assume that what they actually mean is that worship is boring. And to be perfectly honest there are times I would have to agree. I remember spending a month in a service one night! The music was embarrassing and the message, oh the message was horrible. It went on and on and on the problem was while it went on and on – it went nowhere. I was embarrassed for the preacher. I thought, “Why doesn’t he just shut up and sit down?” Of course the really embarrassing part is…I was the preacher!

I’ve also attended services where I was bored. Of course most of the time I am at fault. I’m there physically but I’m not there spiritual or emotionally. My mind is in a hundred other places. My thoughts are divided between what’s for lunch, that stack of stuff on my desk, appointments during the next week, what’s for lunch (that one keeps coming up). Can I make a suggestion? Why not take some time Saturday evening or Sunday morning and prepare for worship. Go to the top of the page and click the “resources tab” then click “order of service.” There you will find the order of service for Sunday. Read through the hymns; read the Scripture for the call to worship and the passage for the message. Spend some time praying for those who will lead in worship and the folks who normally sit around you. Pray that hearts will be open to the Gospel and that God’s Spirit would move in the service. Pray for the preacher for clarity of mind and thought, for empowerment and anointing. Pray for your needs in light of the text, the music and the theme of the service. You might be surprised by the difference it makes. I’ll see you Sunday.
