Of Camps and Committees

And they’re off! A group of 25 brave souls took off this morning for Kids Kamp at Tulakoggee. By the time you read this they should be back home safe and sound full of stories and lessons learned. We’ll be hearing some about their week in our evening service July 22. In the meantime our youth are gearing up for camp July 30 – August 4. Ah, August in southeastern Oklahoma – refreshing, not! But a great time with the youth in learning about the Kingdom of God and encouraging one another in the faith. There is still time to sign up on the food lists. There is a list in the foyer and in the northwest entrance to the worship center. Thanks to all of your support and sacrifice for our children and youth. Your investment in their lives is worth every penny.

Please continue to pray for our nominating committee and committee on committees as they seek to finish up their work. They are seeking to work with you in helping you find that place of service within your church. We need your gifts and talents to accomplish the task we’ve been given. Do you have a specific interest? Do you have a desire to serve? Let us know and we’ll help to find that place so that you can find joy and fulfillment and others can be blessed.

I’m looking forward to seeing you and your family as we gather in worship this coming Lord’s Day.
