Odds ‘n Ends

It is hard to believe school has started. I’m left wondering, “Where did the summer go?” It is time to refocus our energies as we gear up for the coming church year that runs from September – August. We still have some needs in our staffing for the coming year. There has been some reorganization, the convention has changed some of the literature, but we are in fairly good shape with a few weeks to go. I would ask you to be in prayer as we seek to fill the few remaining spots and as we seek an answer to our nursery woes. We’ve gone with an all-volunteer force in the nursery for several years but we have some significant needs on Sunday morning during Sunday School and on Wednesday evening. Please pray for our nominating committee and our personnel committee as we seek to address these needs.

We had a great response Sunday evening for our missions meeting. Pray as we put our team together and begin working through the suggestions received Sunday and develop a mission strategy to guide us as we seek to spread the name and fame of our God in the days to come. Our goal is to educate, inspire and provide “hands on” experience in mission work locally, nationally and internationally. Pray for us as we seek to put our vision into action. Of course there is always room for you to join us! If you were unable to attend the meeting but want to be a part call the church office and let Katrenia know.

On a personal note, I appreciate the kind words and the good response to our Sunday morning study of Revelation. I would ask your prayers as we continue to walk through this important book together. I look forward to seeing you and your family as we gather this coming Lord’s Day.
