Thank You!

Wow, thank you for the very generous love offering Sunday evening! It is hard to believe it’s been 17 years. I know many of you have told me it seems so much longer. To have the opportunity to watch our children grow up in the same church we did; to baptize them in the same baptistery and see them stand on the same platform at their wedding ceremony is a privilege very few pastors enjoy. To see them shaped and molded by many of the same teachers and leaders that played such a vital role in our lives is a great joy. Rheadon and I want you to know how much we love and appreciate you as our family. You are a great blessing to us and we pray, that by God’s grace, we are a blessing to you. Thank you for the privilege of serving with you.

On Sunday, August 10, we had a missions meeting. This was a meeting for any and all who are interested in the mission goals, programs and education of our fellowship. We had a great response to this first meeting and as a result we had several suggestions made. John Taylor and I have meet and categorized the suggestions and have developed an overall framework. We will be meeting again on Sunday, August 24, at 4:30 pm. Again this is an open meeting. You are urged to attend if you want to serve or if you just want to know what is going on.
At this point we are looking at three teams: evangelism/outreach; mission education; and service ministries and projects. We will divide people up according to interest and allow them to develop each area as they fill led. We are excited about the future and where this will lead. I want to encourage you to join our team as we seek to spread the name and fame of our God here and around the world. I’ll see you Sunday.
