Summer Favorites

I had a thought Sunday (you know they say the first one always hurts). I was approached by a member who asked me to preach a sermon from a certain text. It was one of his favorites and he asked if I would preach a sermon from that text. The thought was this, “What if I asked for others? What if I planned my preaching this summer around ‘favorite texts’ or texts that folks had questions about?” I’m game, how about you? Here is the way it will work: You need to submit a text to me in writing. I say “in writing” because I have no confidence in my memory! The series I began Sunday morning runs through the end of May. I’ll start preaching from the suggested texts in June. I can’t promise to cover everyone’s but I’ll try to honor every request. I’ll also try to publish ahead of time what the next text will be. Now give me a chance, let’s not play “stump the preacher.” I’m looking forward to seeing how “Summer Favorites” comes out.

I also want to remind you that we’ll not be having an evening service this Sunday (May 25) due to Memorial Day Weekend. I hope that you’ll have a wonderful time with friends and family. I’ll see you and your family as we gather for worship this coming Lord’s Day.
