Summer is Here

Summer is here. Can you believe it? Where did spring go? Of course summer means that VBS is just around the corner as is the youth mission trip, children’s camp and youth camp will be here before you know it! That means things will get busy around here real quick. It also means that we’ll be spending a bunch of money over the next couple of months. I’m telling you this because we’ve been losing ground financially over the last few months. We’ve had repairs and upgrades and in the process our general fund has gone from a balance of $25,000 in January to $6000 at the end of April. It is critical over the next few weeks that we hold spending as much as possible and that we maintain giving to replenish funds. I know that summer is busy with travel, vacations and weekends at the lake and with family but don’t forget the financial needs of your church in the process.

In last week’s Messenger I mentioned the “Summer Favorites” series, to date I’ve just received one request! There is still plenty of time to get those in and I’m hoping that I’ll see several in the next few days.

I look forward to seeing you and your family as we gather for worship this coming Lord’s Day.
